Legion Inc. - Monday, September 3, 2007

The Cast
The 'star' of the show, and the comic's namesake. Legion is an eternally annoyed semi-ghost with a mansion and the remains of some unknown scientists' abandoned facilities belonging to his name. No-one quite knows how he died, no quite knows why as a ghost he can still feel pain (though not die, obviously) and no-one quite knows whether it's safe to ask him.

'Sergeant' Keith
Legion's friend/sidekick, and owner of a snazzy camo-hat. Again, no-one's quite sure what he was Sergeant of, and why he isn't anymore. As about the only current living member of the cast, Keith is significantly more cheerful than the other characters, though he is prone to taking fright quite easily. Which is, you know, a bit of a disability when you live in a haunted house.

The house's resident ghost butler. Jeeves is a stoic soul, commited to some dusty old doctrine that says that servants cannot show any strong emotion whatsoever. Or something. Might just be him. Jeeves knows much about the house and laboratory, more than he is willing to let on.

'Death': The Reaper and the Proclaimer
The comic's resident incarnations of death on the other hand are prone to showing strong emotion and exasperation with their task. Appointed, amongst others, to maintain balance in the Universe (or something along those melodramatic lines), the two travel from place to place in a van, solving mysteries. Or not. No-one knows much about these two, and no-one seems willing to. At least, not while the Reaper's carrying that whopping great scythe anyway...

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